04 June 2024

Mr MARK SPEAKMAN (Cronulla) (12:07): My question is directed to the Minister for Building. Have the Minister's agencies confirmed that the New South Wales construction industry will have the capacity to meet the housing targets announced last week?

Mr ANOULACK CHANTHIVONG (Macquarie Fields—Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading, Minister for Industry and Trade, Minister for Innovation, Science and Technology, Minister for Building, and Minister for Corrections) (12:08): I thank the Leader of the Opposition for his interest in the Government's building reform agenda. Certainly, we cannot have quantity without quality. The Building Commission is working closely across all governments to make sure we continue to build the houses that the New South Wales community needs. As members are well aware, the reforms passed by the Parliament last year are about bringing trust and confidence back into the system, dealing with legacy issues of poor construction and poor regulatory oversight and, of course, making sure we continue to bring that trust and confidence to the market. Delivering housing for the people of New South Wales is more than just about demand and supply; it is about trust and confidence.

The SPEAKER: The member for Goulburn will come to order. The member for Wollongong will come to order.

Mr ANOULACK CHANTHIVONG: People will not come into the market if they do not believe that the biggest investment that they will make in their lifetime does not produce the quality house that they need for themselves and their families. This Government is getting on with the job of making sure that it delivers the housing that the New South Wales economy and people need. Through the great work of the Minister for Planning—

Mr Mark Speakman: Point of order—

The SPEAKER: The Minister will resume his seat. The Leader of the Opposition rises on a point of order. The member for Oatley will come to order.

Mr Mark Speakman: It is Standing Order 129, regarding direct relevance. The Minister was asked about the agency's confirmation that the construction industry has the capacity to meet the targets. We know that they are targets without a plan. Is there a confirmation from the agency that it can meet the targets?

The SPEAKER: I uphold the point of order. The Minister will be directly relevant to the question.

Mr ANOULACK CHANTHIVONG: To ensure that we work towards delivering the houses that the New South Wales economy needs, it is going to require changes to the planning laws, on which the Minister for Planning is working hard and for which the Opposition keeps putting up roadblocks. It will require me, as the building Minister, to make sure that we—

Mr Mark Speakman: Point of order—

The SPEAKER: The Minister will resume his seat. The Leader of the Opposition rises on a point of order.

Mr Mark Speakman: He is flouting your ruling, Mr Speaker. The question is about advice about—

The SPEAKER: There is no point of order. The Minister will continue.

Mr ANOULACK CHANTHIVONG: The Government is getting on with the planning. We will make sure that we advocate for the skills that we need to try to build the houses that the New South Wales people want.

The SPEAKER: I call the member for Oatley to order for the first time.