04 June 2024

Mr JUSTIN CLANCY (Albury) (12:19): My question is directed to the Minister for Building. The Albanese Labor Government has prioritised yoga instructors over skilled construction workers for the core skills visa list. Will the Minister for Building advocate for that order to be reversed?

The SPEAKER: The member for Wollongong will stop assisting the Minister.

Mr ANOULACK CHANTHIVONG (Macquarie Fields—Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading, Minister for Industry and Trade, Minister for Innovation, Science and Technology, Minister for Building, and Minister for Corrections) (12:19): I thank the member for Albury for his question. Seemingly, somebody has Canberra ambitions, given that his electorate is near there. What can I say? Jobs and Skills Australia is a Commonwealth agency and has drafted a list. If Coalition members want to ask questions about what is on it, their colleagues in Canberra should ask.

The SPEAKER: The member for Wahroonga will come to order.

Mr ANOULACK CHANTHIVONG: Members opposite are a bit late to the party when it comes to the skills that the New South Wales economy actually needs. In 12 months I have had a number of conversations—

The SPEAKER: I call the member for Hornsby to order for the first time.

Mr ANOULACK CHANTHIVONG: In the first 12 months of this Government, I have advocated strongly to Federal Ministers to ensure that New South Wales gets the skills it needs for our strategic priorities in housing. We have reached a multi-year agreement with the Commonwealth to make sure that we get the planning right for the skills to build the houses needed for the people in our community. We have done more in 12 months than members opposite did in 12 years. I am proud of the work that we have done to make sure the New South Wales economy has the skills that it needs. More importantly—

Mr Justin Clancy: Point of order: My point of order is taken under Standing Order 129, because the Minister has done more contortions than a yoga instructor. It was a simple question about whether he is advocating for the reordering of the skilled migrant list.

The SPEAKER: The question was directly relevant to advocacy. The Minister will return to the leave of the question.

Mr ANOULACK CHANTHIVONG: It is not only the member for Albury who is interested in yoga; the member for Ryde is as well. Former member Victor Dominello posted, "Thank you to Sandra and INTO‑ARTS Studio for introducing Jordan Lane and I to a relaxing yoga sound bath."

Mrs Leslie Williams: Point of order—

The SPEAKER: The Minister will resume his seat.

Mr ANOULACK CHANTHIVONG: There he is—Jinxy the cat on Melba Road, doing the downward dog.

The SPEAKER: I call the member for Macquarie Fields to order for the first time.

Mrs Leslie Williams: I am sure it is no surprise that my point of order is taken under Standing Order 129. The Minister has still not talked about the question that was asked about advocacy.

The SPEAKER: The Minister's time has expired.